Performance Pledges
Amusement Game Centre Licence
Issue of licence
- Issue of letter of intention to refuse application (for cases not involving inter-departmental consultation)
4 weeks
- Issue of letter of further consideration or intention to refuse (for cases involving inter-departmental consultation)
15 weeks
- Issue of licence (Note A)
3 weeks
Renewal of licence
6 weeks
Change in licence particulars
4 weeks
Approval to operate games/machines (Note B)
2 weeks
Transfer of licence
8 weeks
Mahjong/Tin Kau Licence
Issue of licence
- Issue of letter of further consideration or intention to refuse
27 weeks
- Issue of licence (Note A)
2 weeks
Relocation of establishment
- Issue of letter of further consideration or intention to refuse
27 weeks
- Issue of licence (Note A)
2 weeks
Transfer of licence
- Issue of letter of further consideration or intention to refuse
8 weeks
- Issue of licence (Note A)
2 weeks
Renewal of licence
4 weeks
Appointment of management agent
3 months
Employment of assistant
4 months
Public Dance Hall Licence
Issue of licence
- Issue of letter of further consideration or intention to refuse
19 weeks
- Issue of licence (Note A)
3 weeks
Renewal of licence
16 weeks
Amusements with Prizes Licence
Issue of licence (short-term)
3 weeks
Issue of licence (annual) (Note C)
4 weeks
Renewal of licence (annual)
3 weeks
Trade Promotion Competition Licence
Issue of licence (Note D)
7 working days
Change in licence particulars
1 week
Refers to processing time by this office alone. Actual licence issue is subject
to the availability of Places of Public Entertainment Licences issued by the Food and
Environmental Hygiene Department. Upon receipt of a Places of Public Entertainment Licence,
the Amusements with Prizes Licence will be issued in eight working days provided that the
game list attached to the Places of Public Entertainment Licence is the same as that
attached to the Further Consideration letter.